Thursday, November 23, 2017


Hi to the hottest man in the world, which is 709maintenance.comment, my name is Yana and i'm from Russia, but currently living in the USA.

I just wanted to let you know that seeing your profile made me want to have you in my life.
You are type of guy, who can help through bad times and share the good times and I would love to have someone like you next to me.

If its mutual, email me, this is my email and I will send some of my photos.


Monday, November 20, 2017


Hi 709maintenance.comment, my name Natalia and i'm from Russia.
Now i'm living in the US.
A week ago I found your profile on Badoo or something like that :-)
I dont remember to be honest :-)
You are super cute!
Maybe we can chat? You want my photos?
Please email me to

XoXoXo, Natalia


Dear 709maintenance.comment, my name is Lyuba, i'm from Russia but now i'm living in US :-)
I've found your profile on FaceBook and i like you soooo much..
You are very cute and smart :-)
Maybe we can talk to each other? If you are interested in my photos please email me at

Kisses, Lyuba :-)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


My honey! Our love has been assaulted many times, and I am convinced that it is true love because the longer I am away from you, the greater my yearning is to be with you again.
I am waiting for your answer as well. My email

Friday, November 3, 2017


Hi! You got me very interested. I would really like to know you closer!
I want to communicate with you and learn about your interests, hobbies.
I hope for mutual understanding and possible reciprocity.

Actually, I would like to meet and talk with an interesting and nice man!

Drop me a line

Thursday, November 2, 2017


My dear, come to my site - look, I'm broadcasting from a web camera at his site - is waiting for you my good!
My email

Elena from Russian, with love!

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Hello dear, do you remember how we communicated with you?

Long ago you could not see, I am Marina - with Russia, do you remember me?

My email let's talk, I'm waiting!

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Seriously... What if this company went tenfold by tomorrow?

Everyone knows me as a no bullshit analyst and I always give it to my friends just the way it is, whether it's good or bad.

Today though I've only got goodness to share with you because I've come across something so rare it only happens once or twice a year.

I found a stock that's going to jump tenfold by tomorrow due to negotiations for an acquisition that values it at much higher than where it is now.

The information I have is a hundred percent reliable and if you miss out, I guarantee you'll be regretting the decision in a few hours when this thing is up to 8 or 9 cents.

The symbol is qsmg this is all you need to grab it.

If you do miss out, it's ok... I will probably have another one to tell you about in a few months but at the very least you should watch this one closely.

Have a good one.

Best Regards,

Sherry Peters

Saturday, October 7, 2017


Hi, I'm from Russia - a dream to live abroad, my name is Mary, can we get started?
My email come in to me.

hi there

Hi there,
Please don't jump into the conclusion that I am yet another spamster who wants to invite you to yet another dating agency or may be into some fraudulent activity.
But I rather want to invite you to this premium dating agency where I and hundreds and thousands of beautiful ladies from Russia and other neighboring countries have enlisted in search of their future love.
And when I say true love, I really mean it, because I am truly bored of all these playboys and gigolos who are in search of short term affairs and fun.

From my early teenage to the present day I always believed in true love and a partner for whole life. I am Alexandra or Sasha in short; a young, timid yet well accomplished, blue eyed girl from Russia.
I am from the city of Ivanovo, which is also known as the city of brides.

Want to tell you straightaway that I am not in search of sponsors and neither do I want to be one. I want to find someone matching my tastes and views, who can melt my heart on the first date itself with his character, looks and intelligence.

I want you to mail me and after you do so I sincerely hope that you will find my profile.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hey, Sweety

Hey, Sweety, how is life going?

My name is Evelina and I'm looking forward to meet you! May I ask your name?
I know you love being on this website, just like me.
I'm sure it will be amazing for both of us to talk to each other later - you might want to write me tomorrow, right?

My email

Lots of love,

Sunday, October 1, 2017

What's up

What's up, Big Boy?
My name is Violette, what's yours? I can not wait to meet you in private.
I was going to have a nice talk with you in chat but you had gone offline. May I ask you to write me a few words some day?
Trust me, it's going to be lots of fun.
I�ll be waiting for your letter�
My email

Love and kisses,


Hello, My Dear Friend!

How is your day going? I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kat if you like.
What's your name by the way?
I know you�ve been visiting this website quite often.
And I was going to chat with you the other day but you suddenly went offline.
What do you think about us spending some time here talking to each other?
I would be glad to hear from you.

My email

Best wishes,

Thursday, September 28, 2017

hi 709maintenance.comment


How is your day? What is your name?
My name is Julia. I am interested in chatting with you, what do you think about it?
Are you often visit this site if not, we can talk in other social networks.
I will be waiting to you answer with hurry.
My email

Have a wonderful day

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

hi there


How is your day?

My name is Olga and you? Are you frequently on this site?
I like your profile and want to chat with you, but unfortunately you was online 3 days ago.
I hope that you will write to me soon. I guess that we will have many topics to talk about.
Do you have gmail?


Sincerely yours Olga.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Voice Message from 010467217690 - name unavailable

Time:Thu, 14 Sep 2017 19:08:17 +0630
From: 010467217690 - name unavailable
Click to listen Voice Message

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Copy of Invoice 3917

Please download file containing your order information.

If you have any further questions regarding your invoice, please call Customer Service.

Please do not reply directly to this automatically generated e-mail message.

Thank you.
Customer Service Department

Friday, August 11, 2017

Emailing: 24927624.pdf

Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link


Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent
sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail
security settings to determine how attachments are handled.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How are you?

Hi! How are you?
My name is Anastasia (or shortly Nastya), and I�d love to know your name.
Do you visit this site oftentimes? I was hoping to talk to you in chat once but you left all of a sudden. Could you write me your address or send me a letter some day?
I believe we have a lot in common and talking to you will be much pleasure for me.

My email

Looking forward to getting your letter,

Tuesday, July 4, 2017



How have you been? What is your name? Where are you from?
My name is Ksenia. I actually like to chat with you. What do you think about it?

I hope that in the near future we will talk with you, how you consider?
I'll wait for your letter with impatience and expect that it will be soon.
Have a wonderful day.
My email

Best wishes Ksenia

Monday, July 3, 2017


Hello, Dear!
How is it going?
I'm Marie, may I ask your name?
I see you frequently visit this site, so I wanted to talk to you today but you had already left the chat.
I guess you would like to chat with me too, wouldn't you?..
Write me a few lines some time � believe me, you won't regret it, I guarantee.
I look forward to get a sweet e-mail from you.
My email (address)

Yours faithfully,

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Let me share with you something that could make you big bucks

I have been around the block. I'm a veteran in this market. I was making my subscribers profits through both Bush, Obama and now Trump.

Back in the Bush Sr. days, I was just an article writer. I wrote for the WS in the Analyst column.

The internet has really changed everything.

Information now travels really fast and is much more accessible to everyone.

I had a lunch meeting with an old colleague a few days ago and he let me in on a little secret.

There's a tiny drug maker that's discovered a spectacular immune medicine. It will change the world and save millions of lives.

The information isn't public yet. In fact, that company was actually about to go bankrupt when the discovery happened. That's why their price dropped from a little over 2 bucks to just 0.10 now.

Long story short, when the news comes out publicly, this thing is going to shoot through the roof.

Based on my decades of experience, I expect it to at least go up 15 to 30 fold in a matter of hours.

The information will be public some time by next week. I recommend you grab shares quickly today if you can.

The symbol you need to use to get the shares is q>s>m>g obviously without the > I put that in there just to make it clearer.

If you miss out, this is on you. It's a rare chance that may never come again.

Let me share with you something that could make you big bucks

I have been around the block. I'm a veteran in this market. I was making my subscribers profits through both Bush, Obama and now Trump.

Back in the Bush Sr. days, I was just an article writer. I wrote for the WS in the Analyst column.

The internet has really changed everything.

Information now travels really fast and is much more accessible to everyone.

I had a lunch meeting with an old colleague a few days ago and he let me in on a little secret.

There's a tiny drug maker that's discovered a spectacular immune medicine. It will change the world and save millions of lives.

The information isn't public yet. In fact, that company was actually about to go bankrupt when the discovery happened. That's why their price dropped from a little over 2 bucks to just 0.10 now.

Long story short, when the news comes out publicly, this thing is going to shoot through the roof.

Based on my decades of experience, I expect it to at least go up 15 to 30 fold in a matter of hours.

The information will be public some time by next week. I recommend you grab shares quickly today if you can.

The symbol you need to use to get the shares is q>s>m>g obviously without the > I put that in there just to make it clearer.

If you miss out, this is on you. It's a rare chance that may never come again.

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi 709maintenance.comment,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Estela Hahn

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Not sure where to invest? Here's a sure bet.

Our country is going through a strange era. Recent political changes have oddly affected the markets and pretty much most stocks are on over drive right now.

If you have just a few thousand bucks to put into something, picking a winning company is not very easy since everything is so inflated.

I do however know of one that could be life changing. You know, it's a situation like one of those that you only read in the newspaper.

How a guy got really lucky when he put a few thousand in some small company and he made out like a bandit.

Is it just luck though? Or is there more to it than meets the eye?

I have it on good authority that a small medical research company has made a giant breakthrough in getting approval for a rare form of cancer.

Their shares were at over 2 bucks a couple of months ago, but sank to just a few cents when rumors spread that the treatment was ineffective in people.

Those rumors were not false, but they were based on segmented information.

The truth is that the treatment works and the company just got it past government approval.

The news is not public yet, though. At just a few cents a share, you have no downside. You can get in right now at rock bottom and watch it go right back to where it was a few months ago (to over 2 bucks) in a matter of hours once the announcement is out.

The symbol you need to use for the stock is q-s-m-g without the hyphens of course. You just give that to your broker or put it in yourself online in your portal and get in.

Maybe, you too, can make the newspapers for being a "lucky" person but you and I both know the real story.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Can you really make ten fold on your principal in just a few days?

With today's political climate, it is becoming increasing difficult to find winning stocks.

It's even more difficult to find that once in a blue moon company that you can get in and get a big hit with real quick.

Trump's policies are changing every day and there's no way to know what tomorrow brings to the markets.

That's why I am very fortunate to have stumbled upon a sure bet...

There's a small company that has just discovered a ground breaking medicine for tumors.

Without boring you with details, it's essentially the most effective treatment for cancer right now.

That caught the attention of the big boys and they're buying out this small company for about ten times its current market price.

This is set to occur by Friday. When the news is made public, the price will jump overnight. It's now at just around 0.20.

You do the math. Your upside is big.

The symbol is q.s.m.g

This is what you need to use in order to get shares. Move quick before others find out.

Friday, June 16, 2017

You can make more than ten times your principle with just this 1 stock

It's been at least a few months since the last time I had the chance to share something amazing with you but if you recall you really made a mint on that last company.

Earlier today I got lucky because as I was having a bite with one of my good friends who works at a top banking firm, he let me in on a little "secret".

Basically they're working on closing a deal for a forbes 100 pharmaceutical company to purchase the entirety of a small drug maker that's just completed a cure for prostate tumors.

The company that's being acquired is trading at just a few pennies right now but the big pharma is paying around a buck a share for it.

This means if you grab shares today you'll be able to make at least ten times what you put in.

The symbol which you need to give your broker or put into your brokerage is the first letter of each of these words:


Together they make up the 4 letter symbol which you need. Act quickly before other people get wind of this.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

You can make more than ten times your principle with just this 1 stock

It's been at least a few months since the last time I had the chance to share something amazing with you but if you recall you really made a mint on that last company.

Earlier today I got lucky because as I was having a bite with one of my good friends who works at a top banking firm, he let me in on a little "secret".

Basically they're working on closing a deal for a forbes 100 pharmaceutical company to purchase the entirety of a small drug maker that's just completed a cure for prostate tumors.

The company that's being acquired is trading at just a few pennies right now but the big pharma is paying around a buck a share for it.

This means if you grab shares today you'll be able to make at least ten times what you put in.

The symbol which you need to give your broker or put into your brokerage is the first letter of each of these words:


Together they make up the 4 letter symbol which you need. Act quickly before other people get wind of this.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Here's why this company's shares are about to go up tenfold next week.

Yes, it's been some time since I reached out to you with something good but trust me� the wait will have been worth it.

I promised you that I'd only give you a tip if I had something spectacular, and today I do.

Remember my buddy in California who works at Accel? I had lunch with him yesterday and he told me that he firm is about to invest 50 million bucks into a small Marijuana company.

Basically they make weed vaporizers and their stuff is flying off the shelf because both weed, and vaporizers are all the craze right now.

Anyway, long story short, they're putting all that cash in the company at a price of $1.17 per share and yes you guessed it� it's way higher than where the stock price is as we speak.

The price is at just over 10 cents right now. This means that when they announce their involvement in a few days it should go up about tenfold overnight.

In fact, if you look at the chart, the price was at a little over 2 dollars a few weeks ago. My buddy tells me that his firm �crashed' it artificially so that they'd have more bargaining power at the table and it makes sense... They're coming in at just $1.17 instead of over 2 dollars.

Nonetheless this is a really rare chance for us to get in. I'll pick up at least 50,000 shares today and I think you should do the same.

The name of the company is Bellatora Inc. and its ticker is ECGR. If you do decide to tell a couple of your friends, please do me a favor and don't mention me by name.

Maxine Carver

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

Here's a life changing tip that will guide you through trump's America

Given the current political climate, there are very few certain things in this world.

I can tell you first hand that I've had a hard time profiting in the market since Trump's administration came in a few months ago.

So I've looked long and hard for opportunities to leverage this unusual situation we find ourselves in here in America, and I have found the way.

Special circumstances call for special measures, and a friend of mine reached out to me over the weekend telling me that there's a small company on the verge of being bought out by a top 500 firm.

The price at which this will happen? 21 bucks a share from a current paltry 60 cents.

This means that every ten thousand of stock you buy, you'll make around 350k when the announcement comes out to the public in a few days.

Why am I telling you this? I want like-minded people to benefit as well and I'm tired of all the big shots making the big bucks.

Take it the way you will, but watch symbol : Quick Sure Mary Garage (use the first letters of each word to make up your 4 letter symbol which you'll use to buy the stock)

One way or another, whether you get in or not, this buy out is going to happen and people are going to make 35x on their principle.

Why not get a piece of the action?

Best Wishes,
Bert Mcmillan

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

This is your opportunity to get a 20 bagger in the market very fast

One of my closest buddies, who happens to be a banker, let me in on a little tip earlier on.

There's this really awesome small bio technology firm which has discovered something ground breaking,

and because of this unprecedented discovery they're about to be bought out for a little over 20 times their current value.

One of the most prominent large firms in America is about to make this news public.

When that happens, the small company's stock is going to virtually go up more than twenty three fold overnight.

Let me put this in perspective for you. It means that every 10 thousand bucks you put in this will turn into almost a quarter million when the news is out.

This guy has always been right so far. In fact if you remember, the tip I gave you last year� the one on which you made 15x in 2 weeks was from him. Yes, that's right.

So before I forget, here is the stock symbol.. It's the 1st letter of each of the following words: Quickly Super Mouse Green

I'm giving it to you in �code� in order to avoid potentially prying eyes, in case you are at the office, a cafe or something.

So with the first letter of each of these words, you've got your four letter symbol.

Input this in your online account to buy the stock or call your broker and give it to him and he will make the purchase for you.

One last thing, I don't know if I am the only one who knows this information so it's possible that the price will go up on other people buying,

but nonetheless if you can get in at under a buck twenty, I really recommend you jump on it as soon as physically possible.

Best Wishes,
Joni Mason

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Your chance to make an amazing move is quickly slipping away

There is reason for excitement. A good friend of mine who works at a high place which I will not name told me about a crazy opportunity...

There is an acquisition about to be completed by a very large company.

They're buying out a small medical firm at more than 20 times what it's currently trading at.

This means that every ten thousand bucks you put in will turn into two hundred grand the moment the announcement becomes public.

The symbol for this company is the first letter of each of the following words: Quick, Should, Must, Get.

These 4 letters are what you must type in to your brokerage account or tell your broker in order to get the shares.

I really, really recommend you move on it quickly because the announcement will become public at any day now and this may be your last chance to get in before it's too late.

Best Wishes,
Rhea Ballard

By tomorrow evening this stock will be twenty times higher

Did you read my urgent email yesterday?

I outlined very specifically a game plan for you to make more than 20 times on your principle within the next 48 hours.

Let me hit you with the gravy and leave out all the boring details� there's a friend of mine who works at a top 50 firm upstate and he was privy to details of a take over.

In a nutshell there is a very large pharmaceutical company (its name starts with a P) who is finalizing the acquisition of a small public corporation that is currently trading at around 80 cents.

The take over price will be a little over 20 bucks and the official announcement is coming tomorrow night (wed night).

They're paying this much for it because of a novel stem cell treatment which eradicates cancer.

I don't need to tell you what will happen to the share price when this announcement hits the news outlets.

The company's trading symbol is Q as in Quest, S as in Sam, M as in Mother, G as in Great.

These are the 4 letters you need to type into your brokerage account to buy the stock or give to your broker over the phone.

Just ten thousand bucks into this will turn into over two hundred grand by Thursday morning.

You need to act quickly though because it seems I may not be the only one with this information, as I am seeing the price creep up a little already since Monday.

Best Regards,
Landon Burgess

Monday, April 24, 2017

This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy

If you missed my heads up over this last week and a half, this is finally your time to act because in just 48 hours something big is going to happen.

This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.

My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.

Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.

If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.

I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.

This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.

Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.

King Regards,
Delmar Calhoun

Thursday, April 20, 2017



You got me very interested. I would really like to know you closer!
I want to communicate with you and learn about your interests, hobbies.
I hope for mutual understanding and possible reciprocity.

Actually, I would like to meet and talk with an interesting and nice man!


Monday, April 17, 2017

Do not miss on this chance to triple your money in the market

There is a rare opportunity in the market right now, so rare that it may only happen once in a lifetime.

I have it on good information that a small biotech company is about to receive approval from the f d a for a life-saving medicine.

This medicine is poised to become the next biggest seller in the world as it has just been shown to kill cancer.

This is why there has been a lot of activity surrounding the stock. People are trading it on wrong information, and it's in the red today because of that.

I highly suggest that you buy in right now while fools are getting out, and the stock is cheap because it's going to go up twenty fold in the next 2 weeks

when the public announcement comes out, and the medicine is officially approved. Move quickly though, because otherwise you will miss out.

The opportunity to buy QSMG at these discounts will not last long, and you will regret you didn't jump in when you had the chance.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Here is a tip that could change your life

I have a good friend who works at the fda, and from time to time he tells me about things before they happen.

This is why I am sending you this message today. Earlier this week he told me about a
company that has found a way to kill cancer tumors in 40% of all breast and prostate cases.

While this isn't a one hundred percent method, it works good enough to save over 50 million lives a year.
The company just completed human trials a couple of weeks ago and have yet to release the results.

Once those positive results hit the public, the company's shares are going to go nuts.

QSMG is currently at under 3 bucks a share. I can guarantee that it will pass 25 to 30 before the end of the
month when those results are out.

Act quickly by getting in now and securing yourself a position ahead of the herd.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

This company found a cure for cancer. Their stock is flying.

This is a super rare opportunity that may never come again. This biotech company has finally found a cure for cancer after more than 20 years of stem cells and immunotherapy research.

They had very positive trials both on animals and humans (according to my sources) where tumors got killed at a rate of 41%

Their medicine is going to change the world once it gets rolled out in a few months. We are awaiting an official announcement form the company in the next couple of weeks, but it seems I am not the only one in the know because their stock has quadrupled since last week.

QSMG is guaranteed to hit 25 bucks a share overnight once they release their announcement to the public. You really need to think about buying shares right now before it shoots up higher.

An imminent green light from the fda will send this drug maker soaring.

There are very few times in life when we truly get the chance to be part of something big, and profitable at the same time.

The doctors at QSMG have been working nonstop for more than 20 years to get to this moment a cure for cancer.

They completed animal trials last year which were very positive, and completed human trials just a few days ago with the fda's blessing.

The results are not out yet but according to my sources, the human trials were very successful as well and cancer cells were successfully killed in 40% of all cases.

40% might not seem like a passing grade, but it is above and beyond what everyone was expecting. This makes it the most successful cancer drug on earth, and best of all it is non-invasive.

The results will be announced this month, and once they are out the stock will jump to $25 a share overnight and will continue up to $50 or more quickly after.

Want to feel like a genius? Buy QSMG right now while it's still at just 2 dollars, and wait it out 2 weeks. You will be rewarded handsomely.

An imminent green light from the fda will send this drug maker soaring.

There are very few times in life when we truly get the chance to be part of something big, and profitable at the same time.

The doctors at QSMG have been working nonstop for more than 20 years to get to this moment a cure for cancer.

They completed animal trials last year which were very positive, and completed human trials just a few days ago with the fda's blessing.

The results are not out yet but according to my sources, the human trials were very successful as well and cancer cells were successfully killed in 40% of all cases.

40% might not seem like a passing grade, but it is above and beyond what everyone was expecting. This makes it the most successful cancer drug on earth, and best of all it is non-invasive.

The results will be announced this month, and once they are out the stock will jump to $25 a share overnight and will continue up to $50 or more quickly after.

Want to feel like a genius? Buy QSMG right now while it's still at just 2 dollars, and wait it out 2 weeks. You will be rewarded handsomely.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

This biotech has developed a cure for cancer and its shares are soaring.

One of my friends at Goldman told me to buy QSMG this morning.

He is an expert at this stuff and has never let me down before. After researching the company, it seems that he may be right.

I am going to buy 5,000 shares now because it's all I can afford, but you should buy as little or as many as you possibly can...

Their biotech arm, Stemvax has developed a cure for cancer and just completed successful human trials under the FDA's supervision.

The stock has jumped 3X already since last week and is guaranteed to go to at least 20 dollars this month based on his research.

Once QSMG's official announcements for the cure become public, there's no saying how high their share price will go.

I expect some very serious stuff to be announced in the coming 2 weeks. Act quickly so you don't miss out.

FDA approval is about to send this stock up fifty fold

Why is Quest Management (Symbol: QSMG) guaranteed to jump 5,000% this month?

They have a cure for cancer.

This biotech is run by some of the most prolific scientists in America. Together, they have more than 400 years of experience in the field and have more diplomas than we can even imagine.

Cancer kills 1 out of 4 people in our country and we have all been affected by it either directly or indirectly.

Who doesn't know someone who's died from it?

The company's scientists are targeting cancer using stem cells. They are able to identify the bad cells and destroy them without radiating the entire body (like is common with chemo).

Apart from saving millions of lives, their treatment will surely become the No1 selling drug on earth.

The company has already made serious headway thanks to nearly two decades of research.

This cutting edge biotech company has completed animal trials successfully and just wrapped up FDA-approved human trials last week.

The next step is the public announcement of those results, which we hear through the grapevine have beat all expectations and will change the world of medicine forever.

The results will be announced this month, and once they are out the stock will jump to $25 a share overnight and will continue up to $50 or more quickly after.

"Quest"'s biotech arm could have a cancer cure that can be totally effective in killing tumors in more than 40% of patients worldwide available in hospitals throughout the globe by the end of the year.

Once that happens, we're talking about a $1000 a share stock.

We're literally coming in at the last mile, out of no where, and grabbing profits from their last 2 decades of hard work.

Consider buying QSMG right now while it's still at under 5 dollars and make sure to tell all your friends to do the same before the price explodes.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Allow me to share something profitable with you today.

If you're wondering why I'm emailing you now, out of the blue, after months of radio silence let me tell you that I have a good reason for that.

Do you remember the last time I sent you a tip? It was around November if I recall correctly.

If you bought that stock I told you about back then, you would've quadrupled your money at the very least.

Now here we are, a few months later and I've got something else to tell you about.

Basically if you remember, I've got a good acquaintance who works at a law firm in New York and when I took him out to a fancy steak dinner last Monday (with lots of wine) he became very talkative and let me in on a little tip.

This is what I want to share with you today. He essentially told me that some time mid next week, a small company called incapta (ticker: INCT) is going to announce that it's being acquired by a giant for a little over 1.30 a share (yes over a dollar thirty, and yes it's at just under 15 cents now)

He knows this because his law firm is the one that drafted all the paperwork for the deal and they are expected to finalize and sign the agreements today, with the official announcement coming some time between Tuesday and Thursday.

If you buy shares today, you are guaranteed to make approximately tenfold next week. The way it works is if you're holding the shares they will just take them out of your account automatically and credit you with the cash equivalent to 1.37 or so which you can take out whenever you want and spend on nice things.

Keep me in mind when you're rolling in it. I expect a big thank you and maybe a small gift!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I've got strong reasons to believe that this stock is about to soar.

Alright, let's get right to it...

We've been out of touch for a while. I've been very busy looking for the next big stock that has the potential to explode and it took me months to find one.

If I can be honest, this one came to me as a god send. I got lucky. I have this friend who works at a law firm in NYC and we've known each other for a very long time.

Long story short, he told me that his firm is about to finalize a big takeover by a multibillion corporation. They're buying this tiny company that is now trading at just around 10 cents a share.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard him say that they're paying somewhere between $1.30 and $1.39 for the company. The deal is closing and being announced mid next week.

I could get into what the company does, but who really cares right? All we need to know is that they are in the high tech industry and that this is going to be a huge buyout.

I recommend you buy shares as soon as possible today and wait it out until you get paid over $1.30 next week. The way takeovers work is that they will just credit this price per share, in cash, to your brokerage account and in exchange will take the shares that you bought at just pennies.

I may never have another tip like this, so cash in on it while you still can.

This public company is being bought out. Read now to profit from it.

Dear valued member,

It has been a very long time since I emailed you about a rare investment opportunity.

You signed up to my newsletter because you were seeking to only invest in companies which I can guarantee will go up and I only email you when I know one will.

The last stock I told you to buy went up about 1000% and this next one is guaranteed a solid 1300% keep on reading to find out why.

INCT (incapta inc) is a drone-maker with proprietary algorithms which essentially bring drones to life. These algorithms give the drones the capability to act independent of a physical operator.

Because of they own this amazing technology which they developed in house, they have been receiving huge attention from the US Army as well as several private firms including DJI and Amazon.

A guy I work with at a mergers and acquisition firm in New York told me that INCT is about to be bought out for $1.37 per share on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. He has always come through for me.

While INCT may currently seem stagnant, that�s because very few people know about this imminent deal so don't let that fool you.

I don't expect the stock price to swing much in either direction until the takeover is announced next week, at which point it will shoot up to around $1.37 overnight.

You know what to do if you want to profit when this happens.

Keep it on the hush, but do act quickly.

Best Regards,
Constance Russo

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Here is your chance to buy shares that will go up 10x by next week.

To all my subscribers,

As you obviously know, I have been quiet these last couple of months because I really have not had a stock worth recommending for purchase.

After the last stock�s 1,500% gains I really want to make sure that whatever I tell you to buy next will be a big winner since your expectations are high.

Today I want you to keep an eye on INCT (incapta inc) because something really huge is about to happen next week.

One of the gents I work with back in New York told me that INCT is on the verge of signing a deal to sell the company to a large multinational and this deal should be announced on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and will carry a price per share of $1.38

I guess their special drone technology is too good to ignore, and a massive player wants to acquire all their know-how, IP and manufacturing capabilities.

That being said, this is a very rare opportunity to get in before the deal is officially announced and make a quick 10x on your principal in just 7 days.

Keep this on the low but do act quickly if you want to buy in. I recommend an entry point of 17 cents or under to maximize the upside.

All the best.

Find out now why this company is going up tenfold by this time next week.

Dear profit seeker,

It�s been quite some time since I sent you information about a stock worth buying, but the last time I did the shares soared more than 15x.

This means that if you had put in just a grand you would have gotten 15k out of it when all is said and done.

Even if you only get 2 or 3 tips from me per year, all of them are guaranteed winners because I base my recommendations on knowing privileged information.

I don�t want you to miss out again so keep on reading to find out which company is going up 1,000% by this time next Tuesday.

Incapta Inc [tickersymbol: INCT] is about to be entirely acquired by an enormous multibillion dollar corporation.

On the 28 of March you can expect to see a public announcement made which will outline the details of this acquisition with the most important detail being the price at somewhere around $1.40

This means if you buy and hold INCT right now you�ll have a guaranteed profit of a thousand percent.

INCT is a company which has built �cloud droning�. That�s basically the ability for drones to have their own mind as they connect to a network of artificial intelligence and work with each other autonomously.

It is for example possible to set up a feature to dispatch them whenever there is a car accident somewhere in order to be the first on the scene. There are also endless military applications for these drones as the company has been in talks with the US Army for months already.

Please keep this information to yourself, don�t tell your friends or family to buy the stock now. This is exclusive to my subscribers only.


Monday, March 20, 2017

This stock is about to receive a buy out at 10 times its current market price...

Dear Subscriber,

It's been a long time since I sent you my special newsletter containing a hot stock tip.
The reason for that is because I really haven't had many opportunities to present to you.

Incapta Inc (ticker: INCT) is a company that was brought to my attention earlier this morning
by one of my colleagues at an M&A firm in manhattan.

It seems that a buy out from DJI is imminent at $1.37 per share and is set to be announced
next week on Tuesday, March 28.

INCT is a company that has revolutionized the drone industry by creating the first independent drones
that can be dispatched to areas of interest such as crime scenes, car chases, wild fires, etc.

The network of drones operates by connecting to a cloud and complex algorithms efficiently dispatch the drones
within moments of an incident being reported.

This way the media outlet that owns the drones can be the first to the scene and get exclusive, live-streamed.

This has the potential to literally change the world of news broadcasting as we know it and DJI
(the most prominent drone-maker in the world) sees the potential of this technology which is why
they are willing to pay $1.37 a share to acquire it. A premium of over 1,000% over Friday's closing price.

Tell all your friends about INCT and make sure you buy it as soon as possible today at any price under
20 cents a share to guarantee yourself massive profits.